Upgrade notes

Upgrading to version 2.0.0

The release 2.0.0 drops the support for the V1 version of the API. Before upgrading your code and deploying into production please ensure that you are no longer using the V1 version of the API.

Upgrading to version 1.0.0

The release 1.0.0 of the DEEPaaS API implements several backwards incompatible changes when compared with the previous releases in the 0.X.X series. Before upgrading your code and deploying into production, read the following, as changes are needed in your model. Please go through the following checklist in order.

  • Python version

    The new version of DEEPaaS uses aiohttp which requires at least Python 3.5.3. So please update you module accordingly if needed.

  • Migrate new namespace entry point.

    Previous code relied on a top-level entry point named deepaas.model, where we searched for the required functions or methods to be invoked for each API action.

    Now the namespace has changed to deepaas.v2.model.

    Therefore, assuming that your code for V1 of the API was under the my_model.api and you defined your the entry point as follows:

    deepaas.model =
      my_model = my_model.api

    You should migrate to the following:

    deepaas.v2.model =
        my_model = my_model.api


    If you do not change the namespace, we will try to load the old entrypoint. However, this is deprecated and you should upgrade as soon as possible.

  • Migrate from returning dictionaries to use an argument parser to define train and predict arguments.

    Previous code relied on returning arbitrary dictionaries that were used to generate the arguments for each of the API endpoints. This is not anymore supported and you should return a webargs field dictionary (check here for more information. This is still done by defining the get_predict_args and get_train_args functions. These functions must receive no arguments and they should return a dictionary as follows:

    from webargs import fields
    def get_predict_args():
        return {
            "arg1": fields.Str(
                required=False,  # force the user to define the value
                missing="foo",  # default value to use
                enum=["choice1", "choice2"],  # list of choices
                description="Argument one"  # help string


    If you do still follow the old way of returning the arguments we will try to load the arguments using the old get_*_args functions. However, this is DEPRECATED and you should migrate to using the argument parser as soon as possible. All the arguments will be converted to Strings, therefore you will loose any type checking, etc.

  • Explicitly define your input arguments.

    The previous version of the API defined two arguments for inference: data and urls. This is not anymore true, and you must define your own input arguments. To replicate the response of v1 you have to define:

    from webargs import fields
    def get_predict_args():
       return {
          'files': fields.Field(
              description="Select the image you want to classify."),
          'urls': fields.Url(
              description="Select an URL of the image you want to classify.")

    Then, you will get your input data in the data and urls keyword arguments in your application.


    For the moment, in contrast with v1, only one url field at the same time is enabled, although multi-url (along with multi-files) support is coming soon.

  • Define your responses for the prediction.

    Now, unless you explicitly define your application response schema, whatever you return will be converted into a string and wrapped in the following response:

       "status": "OK",
       "predictions": "<model response as string>"
  • Change in the ``predict`` function name.

    The predict_url and predict_data functions have been merged into a single predict function. In addition, arguments are now passed as unpacked keyword arguments, not anymore as a dictionary. So if you want to upgrade to v2 with minimal code changes, you just have to add the following function to your .py file:

    def predict(**args):
        if (not any([args['urls'], args['files']]) or
                all([args['urls'], args['files']])):
            raise Exception("You must provide either 'url' or 'data' in the payload")
        if args['files']:
            args['files'] = [args['files']]  # patch until list is available
            return predict_data(args)
        elif args['urls']:
            args['urls'] = [args['urls']]  # patch until list is available
            return predict_url(args)
  • Changes in the data response

    The returned object in args['files'] is no longer a werkzeug.FileStorage but a deepaas.model.v2.wrapper.UploadedFile which has attributes like name (name of the argument where this file is being sent), filename (complete file path to the temporary file in the filesystem) and content_type (content-type of the uploaded file).

    The main difference is that now you should read the bytes using open(f.filename, 'rb').read() instead of f.read().

  • Catch error function

    By default Exceptions raised in the PREDICT method from the application side will be rendered as 500 - HTTPInternalServerError with the message Server got itself in trouble. If you want to render some Exceptions with custom status codes and custom messages (see the reason arg) you have to raise an aiohttp web exception. For example:

    from aiohttp.web import HTTPBadRequest
    except Exception as e:
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=e)

    And if you want to wrap a whole function so that any error it raises is passed as a certain HTTP error:

    def catch_error(f):
        def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
                return f(*args, **kwargs)
            except Exception as e:
                raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=e)
        return wrap
    def f():


    Python Exceptions from the application side for the TRAIN method will be correctly rendered by DEEPaaS so there is no need to wrap the train function with the catch_error decorator.

  • API url

    Now the API functions are accessed under http://api_url/docs (eg.